Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Book launch by Jewish Peace Activist

Personal stories of Jewish Peace Activists with editor Avigail Abarbanel

There is an expectation in Jewish communities around the world that Jews embrace Zionism and offer unquestioning support for Israel, ‘right or wrong’. Jewish identity and Zionism are commonly and deliberately blurred. Jews who express sympathy for the plight of the Palestinian people, risk being branded as traitors and accused of ‘supporting the enemies of Israel’.
Beyond Tribal Loyalties is a unique collection of twenty-five personal stories of Jewish peace activists from Australia, Canada, Israel, the United Kingdom and the US who have become supporters of the Palestinian struggle for self-determination.

Thursday 28 June 6.30pm

Alexander Library Theatre
(Cultural Centre Northbridge)
Organised by Friends of Palestine WA
For more info, ph: 0449 028 894
email: FriendsOfPalestineWA [at] gmail.com
or visit: www.fopwa.org
Recommended donation: $10/$5