Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Stop Lynas' toxic exports


Come and hear community from Malaysia campaigning against Lynas Corporation. Learn about this Australian rare earth mining company’s plan to impose their Lynas Advanced Materials Plant - a toxic and radioactive rare earth processing plant - on their lives and livelihoods.

6pm, Monday 5 September
Ross Memorial Church, William St, Perth
Supported by the Conservation Council WA

6pm, Thursday 8 September
MUA Hall, 2-4 Kwong Alley, North Fremantle

12 noon, Friday 9 September
Outside Lynas Office, Level 1, 7 Tully Road, East Perth

For more information contact Lee Tan:
0417 082 294 stoplynasnow@gmail.com

Join the ‘Save Malaysia! Stop Lynas!’ delegation at their stalls outside Fremantle Markets, Sat 3 and Sun 4 September between 9AM-4PM.
