Saturday, February 25, 2012
International action against Serco - March 9
Keep public services in public hands
International day of action against Serco and the privatisation of public services
Perth solidarity action:
Friday March 9 at 12 Noon
Outside the Perth Offices of SERCO at 225 St Georges Tce.
A broad coalition of social justice groups and Unions are encouraged to participate in this peaceful public rally:
We unite around 3 mutual concerns:
1) Keep essential services in public hands
2) Full Public disclosure on Public/Private bidding processes & public auditing of all Serco contracts
3) End Serco's profiteering off human misery.
Health, Justice, Schools, Corrective Services, Children's Services, Transport, etc are social services that belong in Public hands to deliver a public service with the publics tax dollars. These services should not be in private hands with Serco making a profit off the public's money via secretive contracts & without accountability.