Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Rally against racism: Protest far right bigotry - Sat 4 April

On Saturday April 4, a far right mob calling themselves "Reclaim Australia" are hosting a series of rallies around Australia in order to promote anti-Muslim bigotry.

They want: to "ban the burqa"; to enforce "pride in the Australian flag"; and to make "Halal certification ... illegal".

They pretend that they are not racist but their real views about Aboriginal rights can be found in this video where one of the key spokespeople for Reclaim Australia says that "nice Aboriginal people are few and far between - most of them are dickheads"!

One of their supporters went on John Laws program proudly proclaiming to be a bigot! When even John Laws seems reasonable by comparison, you know you are dealing with some pretty extreme characters!

It is important that as many people as possible stand up and join the public stand against racism and bigotry. In Perth:

Rally Against Racism
Saturday 4 April 2015
11am Solidarity Park (Harvest Terrrace, West Perth - opposite Parliament House)

NB: Unions WA has issued a public statement rejecting the use of Solidarity Park by Reclaim Australia.

Some of the other counter rallies on Saturday

Reclaim Adelaide from the Racists
Saturday April 4 10am
Facebook event: Reclaim Adelaide from the Racists

Rally Against Racism & Bigotry
Saturday April 4 10:30am @ King George Square
Facebook event: Rally Against Racism & Bigotry

Gold Coast
Reclaim Australia Counter Rally
Saturday April 4 10am @ Evandale Park
Facebook event: Reclaim Australia Counter Rally

Rally Against Racism
Saturday April 4 midday @ Federation Square
Facebook event: Rally Against Racism

Rally Against Racism
Saturday April 4 11am @ Solidarity Park
Facebook event: Rally Against Racism

Harmony Day
Saturday March 21 10am @ Newcastle Civic Park
Facebook event: Harmony Day

Anti-Racist Counter-Rally – Stop Islamophobia
Saturday April 4 10:30 am @ Martin Place
Facebook event: Anti-Racist Counter-Rally