Monday, July 4, 2011

Help make the Activist Centre better

The latest installation at the Perth Activist Centre is this new bank of bookshelves to display the wide variety of books available from the Activist Centre bookshop.

While the books have always been interesting, unfortunately the presentation has had a lot of room for improvement.

The closure of Borders bookstores has given us the opportunity to get these impressive bookshop fittings that there is no way we could have afforded new. The Borders' administrators have not given us these professional book display out of the generosity of their hearts - we've had to pay $1500 for this upgrade.

Can you help defray the costs of this purchase by making a donation to the Perth Activist Centre today? You can donate by transferring or depositing money into our account (BSB: 066 003, Account: 10253459) or writing a cheque or money order to "Perth Activist Centre" and posting to PO Box 204, Northbridge WA 6865.

Alternatively, drop in to the Activist Centre and check out the range of books, t-shirts, badges and other merchandise that is available. If you're interested in environmentalism, feminism, socialism, history, politics or other justice issues, there is bound to be something of interest.

This is not the only improvement we want to make at the Activist Centre. Why not help us out today and make Perth's premier activist resource better?

Above items plus a wide range of left and progressive books, pamphlets, t-shirts, flags, badges, and stubby holders are available online at Resistance Books and at the Perth Activist Centre.