Saturday, April 30, 2011

Green Left Weekly May Day celebration 14 May 2011

Tickets are now available for the
Green Left Weekly
2nd Annual May Day Celebration

Saturday May 14, 2011, 7pm

Ticket includes a North African inspired dinner. Cocktails and other drinks will be available for purchase. Vegetarians and vegans will also be catered for.

MUA Building, Kwong Alley, North Fremantle.

$50 solidarity price
$30 full price / $15 concession

Please call Annolies on 9433 6946 or Sanna on 0404 533 393 for more information. A shuttle will be available from the greater Fremantle area including both train stations between 6pm and 7:30pm. Parking is available.

Tickets can be paid for:
* Deposit or Transfer to: Perth Activist Centre [CBA, BSB: 066 003, Account: 1025 3459] (in which case please confirm by email to perth[at]
* Post cheque or money order made out to "Perth Activist Centre" to PO Box 204, Northbridge 6865
* Bring cash to the Perth Activist Centre (15/5 Aberdeen St, East Perth - phone first to check we're there); or
* Credit card over the phone 9218 9608, 0413 976 638