Thursday, August 26, 2010

Death in detention - Take action Friday 27 August

On Sunday 22 August, a 30-year-old man died after being found unconscious at the Curtin Immigration Detention Centre in WA's remote North West.

On Saturday 21st, he was taken by ambulance to Derby Hospital and transferred by air overnight to Perth's Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital where he later died.

This is the reality of detaining people in remote locations. This is the complete abrogation of DIAC's duty of care.

Asylum seekers imprisoned in Curtin detention centre, like those detained on Christmas Island, like those held at Leonora, are isolated from medical care, psychological and other support structures that traumatised people coming from war zones are likely to need.

Putting people in these remote prison camps puts them at risk. Out of sight, out of mind - for political expediencey. But no longer!

Come and let DIAC know that we can see beyond their fences and information smoke screens.

Refugee Rights snap action:
12 noon, Friday 27 August
Outside Department of Immigration and Citizenship
(Wellington Central - 836 Wellington St, West Perth WA)

Organised by Refugee Rights Action Network - Ph 0417 904 329