Friday, April 22, 2016

March with Socialist Alliance at May Day

Join the Socialist Alliance contingent this May Day!

Sunday 1 May

Gather from 10am, March at 12 noon
Fremantle Esplanade

Each year, May Day celebrates the hard won gains won by workers' collective struggle across the world, and brings together all who are fighting for a dignified, sustainable future for everybody.

The need for collective struggle has never been more apparent. Pro-business governments, both Labor and Liberal, are on the offensive against workers, unions and their communities in order the maximise profits for the bosses. In the process they are also destroying the very climate we all depend on, and using toxic racism, xenophobia and sexism to divide us.

The Socialist Alliance stands for solidarity towards all who are oppressed by capitalism. A different world is possible, one based on mutual solidarity and cooperation and one in which people and planet matter, not profit. This alternative isn't going to be handed to us, we need to fight for it!

For more information contact 0415 922 740

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