Friday, August 9, 2013
How you can help our election campaign
There are a number of ways you can make a big difference in supporting our campaign.
Some of the most important are:
1. Make a donation
Big or small, it will help to make a difference. DETAILS HERE
2. Help us on polling day
Click here or fill in the form below.
3. Attend our election launch
Thurs 22 August, Hilton Community Centre. MORE DETAILS
4. Help us with letterboxing
Phone Rob on 0422 709 763 or Alex 0413 976 638
5. Attend our Pot Luck Dinner election fundraiser
Sat 17 August, 21a Jarvis St, O'Connor. MORE DETAILS
You can also help by:
"Liking" Sam's FaceBook page
Put up an election sign in your yard (Ph Seamus 0407 906 803)
Check out our CALENDAR of events
This form is for real. Please fill it in if you can help on polling day...