Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Miko Peled the General's Son: Thurs 29 Sept

Why the son of an Israeli general is speaking out for Palestine

A public forum with MIKO PELED

Miko Peled is an Israeli peace activist and writer living in the US. Born and raised in Jerusalem, his grandfather was an original signatory on the Israeli Declaration of Independence. His father was an Israeli soldier in 1948 and a general during the 1967 war. In 1997 his niece was the victim of a suicide bombing.

In this forum he explains why he is speaking out against Israel’s Apartheid policies and for justice for Palestine.

Thurs 29 September
6 for 6:30pm
Alexander Lecture Theatre, (ALEX 106:157) – Ground Floor (Arts Building) UWA

Organised by Friends of Palestine * www.fopwa.org * 0449 028 894