Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Don't be invisible on Valentines Day - Equal Marriage action
Don't be Invisible on Valentines Day
Follow the link for an inspirational video about equal love on Valentines Day
WHEN: 12 Noon, 14/02/2010
WHERE: Supreme Court Gardens, Cnr St Georges Tce / Barrack St, Perth WA
WHAT: Support Rally & Community Festival for Same-Sex Marriage
WEBSITE: www.families4freedom. info
What is it all about?
For many, Valentines Day is a time when we celebrate the love we have in our lives, whether it's for a partner, a lover, family or friends. Unfortunately, for many of the same-sex attracted and gender diverse members of our community, it is a sore reminder of the fact their their relationships are not recognised equally under Australian law.On February 14th 2010, supportive families and community members will be gathering together in the Supreme Court Gardens, Perth - to show their support for the loving families and relationships that aren't recognised in our community.
Dress in Red, White or Pink this Valentines Day, and join me at Stirling Gardens to show your support for the loving families in your community. If we can get 1,000 Western Australians to show their support for their fellow community members, we will break all records for same-sex marriage rallies in WA, and put visible community pressure on our Government to take up this issue.
Help spread the word
With only 2 weeks to go until Valentines Day, we need to get this message out as far and wide as possible. We would appreciate it if you can help out in the following ways:
1) Forward this email to friends, family and coworkers, and invite them to come down with you on Valentines Day to show support
2) Join the Facebook Event at F4Fvalentine and invite your friends
3) Visit the Campaign Video at and spread it via YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Digg and other social networking sites
4) Post the video to groups and forums that you are a member of, or Activist / Community Event calendars in your organisation