Thursday, July 5, 2007

Socialist Alliance State Conference

Building a Fighting Alternative to Howard: The 2007 Socialist Alliance State Conference will be held at the Maritime Union of Australia Hall North Fremantle, from 1 pm on Saturday August 11.

The conference will provide an opportunity for members to discuss the work of Alliance and the campaigns against the Howard government's assault on workers rights and the wider community. In addition the conference will set the framework for the Alliance's campaign in the coming federal elections.

Defend our Rights at Work-Tear up all of Work Choices!

We will open the conference with a panel discussion about the fight against the anti-union laws.

Figures for March show that corporate profits are growing at the expense workers' wages. The Howard government plans has plans for even tougher anti-union laws if it gets re-elected. The ALP has said it will keep the majority of Work Choices if it gets elected, including draconian penalties for workers who strike outside the bargaining period, a ban on pattern bargaining and special policing of building workers.

This panel will discuss options for union campaign against Work Choices, whether the anti-Work Choices campaign should be independent of the ALP, the potential for a right to strike campaign in Australia and the implications of both major parties support for a building industry police force continuing after the federal election.

Speakers include:
Chris Cain
State Secretary Maritime Union of Australia
Sue Bolton
Socialist Alliance National Trade Union Convener

The conference will also include workshops sessions on:

  • Campaigns for the rights of migrant workers
  • Indigenous rights
  • Climate Change and the campaign against nuclear power

    1 pm Saturday August 11, entry $12/$8, Maritime Union of Australia Hall 2-4 Kwong Alley North Fremantle. or 9218 9608.