Friday, July 27, 2007
East/Hills branch runs candidate in Pearce!
East/Hills branch of the Socialist Alliance has preselected Annolies Truman for the seat of Pearce in the up-coming federal elections. Our information from Canberra predicts an election in November, which would give us about 3 1/2 months of campaigning.
Here's a word from Annolies: "I'll do my best to present a more humane, environmentally sustainable vision for Australia. Our overarching slogan is People before profits! Planet before profits! Our main demands are: Tear up Work Choices; No more blood for oil - Bring the troops home now; System change not climate change; Lock up war criminals, not protestors; Respect Aboriginal Land Rights.
Please join me in this campaign. While only one person represents us as a candidate, the effort is very much a collective one.
We'll need ideas for campaign opportunities and fundraising. We'll need people handing out how-to-votes on polling day. We'll need donations for the deposit and for the leaflets we'll print. We'll need letterboxers and people willing to erect a sign on their property.
Any contribution of skills, creativity, imagination, hard work, money or moral support is much welcomed.
We need people to join the Socialist Alliance and help make a difference.
Leanda Horth is joining today (welcome!) and Len Howle, who joined in April, has just donated $50. Thank you, Len!
Our next branch/election campaign committee meeting will be on August 25 at 4pm. If you're interested, contact me on 9299 6453."