Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The struggle for Human Rights and Democracy in Indonesia and West Papua

With the popular overthrow of the Suharto dictatorship in Indonesia in 1998, expectations were high that real and profound democratic change would result. However today political and economic power still lies in relatively the same hands as before, and widespread corruption and violence continue against workers, the poor and oppressed peoples.

Join us for this panel discussion on the struggle for human rights and democracy in Indonesia and West Papua, and what role progressive movements in Australia have played and can play in building active solidarity in the region.

Guest Speakers:
Rebecca Meckelburg (Indonesia-Australia Solidarity activist)

Muhammad Ridha (Working People’s Party (PRP) Indonesia and Editor of IndoProgress)

Wiwince Pigome (International West Papuan Students Alliance - Curtin University)

6pm Thursday 25 June

Orient Hotel
39 High Street, Fremantle

Hosted by Green Left Weekly and Socialist Alliance WA

Attend on Facebook: