Thursday, February 12, 2015

Public forum: The Greek elections, SYRIZA and the fight against austerity in Europe - Thurs 19 March

After five years of brutal austerity polices that have decimated Greece socially and economically, the radical leftist party SYRIZA swept to power on January 25. SYRIZA promises to change Greece and spark an anti-austerity fightback across Europe. Can a government led by the radical left mobilise the active support of working people and social movements, and defeat the determined opposition of Greek and European elites?

Guest speaker:
Dick Nichols
Dick Nichols is a European correspondent for Green Left Weekly who covered the Greek elections this year. He has been covering the development of radical parties in Europe since the financial crash of 2008.

6 for 6:30pm
THURS 19 March

Perth Activist Centre
15/5 Aberdeen St, Perth (next to McIver station)

Recommended donation: $6/$4

Ph 9218 9608, 0413 976 638

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