Monday, October 14, 2013

Julie Bishop: BLOOD on your hands - Fri 18 Oct

[Information supplied by Refugee Rights Action Network.]

The Abbott [and Rudd and Gillard] Government policies have led to more drownings at sea, more loss of human life.

The Australian Government introduced regressive and dangerous agenda under the moniker of 'Operation Sovereign Borders', claiming to 'stop the boats' and end the deaths of asylum seekers arriving to Australia from Indonesia. Over the past few weeks, we have seen anything but.

On this occasion, we will also commemorate the 12th anniversary of the SIEV X tragedy: on October 19th, 2001, 353 people, mostly women and children, died when their boat sank in the waters between Indonesia and Australia.

Then and now, the Australian Government has mislead the community over important questions of prior knowledge of impending tragedies, our responsibility in preventing the drownings, and lack of our duty of care to the survivors.

Join the Refugee Rights Action Network WA in a protest against those policies at the offices of MHR Julie Bishop, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party.

4pm Friday 18 October

Julie Bishop's office, 414 Rokeby Road, Subiaco

Attend on FaceBook: