Thursday, January 31, 2013

Forum: The case for public ownership of the mining industry

Public meeting - all welcome

The case for public ownership of the mining industry

Socialist Alliance is contesting the coming state and federal elections on a platform of bring the mining, banking and energy sectors under public ownership. The aim of this policy is to achieve environmental goals and to use the wealth generated for social good rather than private profit. But is this policy even possible?

This forum will discuss different aspects of the mining in WA and outline a case for bringing the mining sector into public ownership.

Speakers include:
Al Rainnie (Curtin Uni academic)
   Corporate decision making processes versus democracy and community interest
Mia Pepper (Anti-Uranium campaigner)
   The Environmental record of the mining industry in WA
Sam Wainwright (Socialist Alliance candidate for Willagee & Fremantle City Councillor)
   Wealth redistribution, workers rights and the case for public ownership
Farida Iqbal (Socialist Alliance candidate for Perth & No Fracking WAy activist)
   The gas fracking industry: a case study

3pm Sat 16 February

Perth Activist Centre
15 / 5 Aberdeen St, Perth (next to McIver station)

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