Thursday, October 13, 2011

Become a solidarity subscriber to Green Left today

Help spread the word!
By Chris Williams, Green Left Weekly
Green Left Weekly faces a constant financial struggle to stay afloat. We can't afford to take it for granted. It's become more than just a newspaper; it’s an important part of a movement for social change as can be seen from its efforts to promote the OCCUPY Wall Street movement against corporate greed that is currently sweeping the rich countries.
Green Left Weekly not only provides information and analysis, it actively builds campaigns for social justice, human rights and the environment. It reaches beyond our borders to an international audience too – particularly our website. In today's Murdocracy of media monopoly, Green Left Weekly is a refreshing beacon of journalistic integrity.
We do all this, and have become the best and most widely circulated alternative paper in Australia without any large financial backers. For 20 years Green Left Weekly has survived by relying on contributions from our subscribers and supporters. The struggle to stay afloat is well worth it!
To help us maintain our independence from the billionaires and media moguls, and to continue to provide a progressive alternative to the mainstream media, we need to encourage more people to subscribe at the solidarity rate of $240 a year. Subscriptions – particularly solidarity subscriptions – toGreen Left Weekly are our most reliable source of income. Subscribers are the back bone of our financial viability. Today we have around 200 solidarity subscribers. Pushing this up to 250 would be a huge boost to the stability of our national budget. It would mean we could more confidently make political projections, knowing we have the resources to carry them out.
If you don't already, please consider taking out a solidarity subscription today (or when you next renew your subscription). Click here for a solidarity subscription form.
If you are already a solidarity subscriber, try to convince others to take up the option with the knowledge that they too will be playing a crucial role in helping to keep Green Left Weekly rolling off the press!