Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Equal Love Rally - 13 August 2011

Rally for Equal Marriage Rights

Saturday 13 August

1-3pm, Forrest Place, Perth city

Gay or straight, come to the National Day of Action for Equal Rights
(on the seventh anniversary of the Liberal-Labor marriage ban)

Organised by Equal Love

No more excuses - Equal Marriage Now

Ten countries and nine jurisdictions in the world have recognised marriage equality since 2001. Many other parts of the world recognise civil unions, registration schemes or same-sex marriages performed outside of the respective country.

Australians are ready to follow suit. Seventy-five percent of Australians expect same-sex marriage to be legalised, said a 2011 Galaxy Poll.

The same research said 62% of Australians support marriage equality. That number is as high as 80% among younger people. The poll also said 78% of Australians believe there should be a conscience vote in parliament on the issue.