Monday, February 21, 2011

Invitation to open CHOGM organising meeting

[Please pass this on to your lists and contacts.]

Dear friends,

We are writing to invite you to get involved in organising a progressive response, including protest activities, at the time of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Perth in October 2011.

We are planning an open meeting on Thursday 3 March 2011 at 6:30pm and would like to encourage you to come along and get involved.

There are multiple issues/reasons for protesting at the time of CHOGM and we envisage that the first meeting will canvass several of these. Please consider yourself welcome to come along and bring your own ideas to the discussion.

The meeting will be held at the Perth Activist Centre, 15/5 Aberdeen St, East Perth (next to McIver station).

If you are unable to attend at that time but are interested in being involved, please contact one of the signatories to this letter so that you can be kept informed about this campaign.

Yours in solidarity

Alex Bainbridge
Dave Fox
Hsien Harper (WA Greens)
Marcus Roberts
Marianne Mackay
Ray Grenfell
Seamus Doherty

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