Monday, October 11, 2010
Report on weekend activities
Socialist Alliance members in Perth and Fremantle took significant responsibility (along with others) to pull off three successful actions over the weekend.

On Sunday, Safe Climate Perth launched a campaign for 10,000 signatures on a petition opposing the proposed new coal-fired power stations, coal mines and other coal developments in WA. This took place at an action involving around 40 people (in blistery weather) in the Cultural Centre as part of the global day of action.
None of these actions will set the world on fire by themselves, but they were all important, all contributed to real campaigns and all benefited from Socialist Alliance's involvement (and some may not have happened at all if it weren't for our initiative and/or support).
This weekend was an example of what Socialist Alliance can pull off in WA (we also had a presence at the John Pat memorial on Friday and the Festival of the Lakes on Saturday) and another reason to support the Alliance. As always, the more people get involved, the more we can achieve.
The next Socialist Alliance meetings to plan out our further activities will be:
- Perth Socialist Alliance meeting
Friday 15 Oct at 6 for 6:30pm (following a campaign stall at 4pm)
Perth Activist Centre, 15/5 Aberdeen St, East Perth (next to McIver station)
Agenda will include: "Politics of climate change after the federal election" - Fremantle Socialist Alliance meeting
Saturday 16 Oct at 3pm
Fremantle (Ph Annolies 0418 996 451 or Sanna 0405 208 943 for address.)
Agenda will include: "Kimberley land aquisition"
- Socialist Ideas Seminar: Global Financial CrisisSun 24 Oct at 2pm
Perth Activist Centre, 15/5 Aberdeen St, East Perth (next to McIver station)
More info here.
See also Desire's photos on Indymedia: Pro-choice here and Afghan action here and here.