Thursday, April 15, 2010
Sam Wainwright speaking at "Ethics of Profit" forum
Conversations on Tap: The ethics of profit
Start: 19 Apr 2010 - 5:45pm
Speakers include:
Dr Lucy Morris CEO Baptistcare, and Adjunct Professor, Notre Dame Australia, School of Business
Professor George Kailis Professor Notre Dame Australia, School of Business
Sam Wainwright Fremantle Councillor (Hilton Ward), Socialist Alliance (Co-Convener) and Member Maritime Union of Australia
Next Monday (Notre Dame) Campus Ministry and the School of Business kick off the Conversations on Tap Series.
The topic is The Ethics of Profit.
Formal presentations for 15 minutes by each speaker followed by 30 minutes of formal questions, then food, drinks and a chance to engage a familiar topic in a new way on an individual level with folks you don’t normally get to talk to.
Tickets are $10 which covers yummy snacks and beverages.
Come along and broaden your mind. Its sure to be an interesting and thought provoking evening :)