Wednesday, November 15, 2006
About the Socialist Alliance
The Socialist Alliance is an anti-capitalist party. We stand for socialism - a democratic society that is run by and for working people, not the tiny, greedy, destructive elite that now rules. We stand for putting people before profit - for the millions not the millionaires.
We believe that a society based on satisfying human need is totally realistic, in Australia and around the world. And we believe that it is necessary if humanity and our planet are to survive.
The Socialist Alliance is made up of ordinary people who, like millions of others, are sick of being ruled by warmongers, racists, union bashers, and barely distinguishable Liberal and Labor politicians, and who are determined to doing something about it. We believe that the masses people, if we act collectively - in the workplaces, on the streets, in our communities have the power to fundamentally change the way society is run.
The Socialist Alliance was formed on February 17, 2001, by eight socialist groups and parties that saw an urgent need for greater left unity in Australia at a time of escalating government attacks on the rights and living conditions of workers and the poor, in Australia and overseas. The founding conference of the Socialist Alliance took place in Melbourne on August 4-5, 2001.
Since then the Alliance has grown in size and strength, establishing branches right across urban and regional Australia, and building up a membership in which the original founding parties' members are now a minority in the Alliance. National conferences have been held annually and each one has decided to take further steps to strengthen the unity of all those fighting for a different Australia.
Members of the Alliance are active in a wide range of campaigns around the country, from community campaigns to save local environments, to civil liberties and refugee rights campaigns, to campaigns for justice for Indigenous people, and gays and lesbians.
Socialist Alliance members are leaders in the trade union movement, and in the anti-war movement. We are also involved in solidarity work with movements for freedom and democracy in other countries.
The Socialist Alliance is an electorally registered party and stands candidates in elections at every level of government. But we are different from most other parties in that we seek election to parliament not to "represent" the movements, but to help build them, resource them and help them win their demands.
Anyone who broadly agrees with the aims and objectives of the Alliance, and agrees to participate in the cooperative spirit of the Alliance, is eligible to join. Annual membership rates are: $60 waged, $24 low waged, $12 unwaged and $6 high school students